The hidden risk of skipping Office of the CEO succession planning

Are you avoiding Office of the CEO succession planning? Caution, it's a huge risk to your business

In a recent Cedar poll, we found that more than 75% of companies surveyed do NOT have a contingency plans for key members in their Office of the CEO. Business continuity, especially for your Office of the CEO, is vital.

What are you doing to create backup plans if one of the members of your Office of the CEO went on medical, personal or professional leave? Or just plain quit? 

The best companies have an internal pipeline of star talent that they have been developing for years, ready to take over at a moment's notice. They can maintain business-as-usual with minimal disruptions

The worst companies scramble when someone from their Office of the CEO team departs, creating a huge void in leadership, structure and execution. Growth suffers, executive performance falls and milestones are missed.

Connect with Mackenzie Lee, Cedar CEO, on LinkedIn here to explore how to develop succession plans for your Office of the CEO and Chief of Staff to ensure business continuity with minimal disruption.


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