Chief of Staff Succession Planning

Are you avoiding Chief of Staff succession planning? Caution, it's a huge risk to your business. What are you doing to create backup plans if your Chief of Staff quit? 

The best companies have an internal pipeline of star talent that they have been developing for years, ready to take over at a moment's notice. It's BAU with minimal disruptions.

The worst companies scramble when their prized Chief of Staff departs, creating a huge void in leadership, structure and execution. Growth suffers, executive performance falls and milestones are missed. 

Make sure that you complete Chief of Staff succession planning if you haven’t already. Hold professional conversations to identify which star performers you want to explicitly groom to take on the Chief of Staff role after your current one leaves.

Looking to hire your successor Chief of Staff? Explore our Chief of Staff executive search solutions here.


Fractional Chief of Staff


Saying No