What is the Office of the CEO and why do you need one?
The Office of the CEO is the team of people with one goal: to maximize CEO impact. The team commonly includes a Chief of Staff, Executive Assistant and Comms Director who leverage a strong operating system and OCEO-specific tools.
The Office of the CEO is more than just a collection of people - it’s a well-oiled machine that has CEO protocol down to a science, with A Players highly committed to the vision and mission of the company as well as the personal success of the CEO.
Building the Office of the CEO is an investment, but it pays off. You'll become a high impact CEO leading a strong C-suite team with a clear vision and mission. You'll improve cross-functional collaboration and gain better operational efficiency, en route to creating a strong culture and unlocking sustainable growth.
CEOs and Chiefs of Staff - Are you looking to build or develop your CEO Office? Our team of executive search recruiters and Office of the CEO consultants specialize in helping you hire new team members, implement a strong operating model, and streamline Office of the CEO technology.
Please reach out here to learn more.